Tag Archives: Good Friday

Guerrilla Christ

Guerrilla Christ by vagabond ©
Guerrilla Christ by vagabond ©

guerrilla christ

i had my doubts like any other man or woman
but i couldn’t let my apathy make me so durable
that i could idly stand aside and watch
the hungry go without fish and bread
the blind continue to stumble
the lame carry the burden

i had my fears like any other man or woman
but i couldn’t let my self preservation
allow me the comfort of cowardice
when they stoned that woman
when they changed money in the temple
when they dared me to heal the withered hand on the sabbath

i had my struggles like any other man or woman
and i resolved them in these waking dreams as i spoke to the crowds
keeping my faith in the humble quiet power of love
unsure of the path as i stumbled in the darkness
tripping into the faintest of light ahead
working out the dream of a new possibility as i spoke with you

and like any other man or woman i want a long life
but not standing by in the acquiescence of selfish longevity
while power is concentrated in the hands of the few
at the expense of the many
while greed nourishes and feeds a garden of oppression
while blood lubricates the machinations of war

and so like any other revolutionary man or woman
i didn’t come to bring peace but came with a machete
to prune the oppression from minds
both yours and my own
to cleave the hatred from hearts
both yours and my own
to hack off the hands of these demons clutching spirit
both yours and my own

and like any other guerrilla fighter man or woman
i paid the price for dreaming such dreams of anarchy
loosed upon the world
crowned with thorns and forced to carry my own cross up a hill
littered with the skulls of the guerrillas that came before me
and hung with nails as an example to the rest of you
sitting passively on the sidelines

and like any other guerrilla christ prophet man or woman
before me and after me i rise again and again and again
and each time the politicians and the merchants
and the high priests conspire
to abort this dream of anarchy that paves the road to equality
while massaging pliable illusions
that condemn these rebellions as failure

and like any other revolution filed and labeled and defined as failure
it will go on and on until we collectively recognize
the guerrilla christ in each of us
to form an army that will liberate the dream of anarchy
upon a center that will not hold
leveling the playing field horizontal
and burying this oppression beneath it
while the meek dance over it bringing heaven down to earth
as their rightful inheritance

– vagabond ©

Shortlink – http://wp.me/p1eniL-GI